Friends of Chautauqua Theater was founded in 1994, to ensure that theater remains a powerful pillar of the arts community at Chautauqua. We are proud that all living Past Presidents of FCT continue their active engagement with the group. 

Our overarching mission and purpose are: 

  • to support Chautauqua Theater Company and enhance the experience of the artists who visit Chautauqua 

  • to connect CTC artists with the broader Chautauqua community, and to connect Chautauqua theater-lovers with each other 

  • to ensure that theater remains a vibrant pillar of the arts at Chautauqua


2024 Friends of Chautauqua Theater Executive Board

President: Kendall Crolius

Secretary: Karen Schwarzwalder

Treasurer: Gwen Tigner

Member-at-Large: Marsha Butler

VP Company: Ali Russell

VP Community: Irene Cramer

VP Membership: Rachel Wilder

VP Communications: Jennifer Davis

VP IDEA and Partnerships: Justin Schmitz

VP Data Management and Analytics: Dana Pless

Sally Craig

Cecilia Fex

Beth Gunnell

Terrie Hauck