What We Do

Programs enhancing the CTC artists’ experience:

Welcome Packages. Each year, FTC creates welcome packages for conservatory members and all the new and returning staff. CHQ merchandise, information and treats are delivered with handwritten notes to each of the company members at their summer homes. 

Meet The Company is a celebration for all CTC company members and Friends, held in Bratton Theater, to introduce new company members and the Friends group to each other. Following entertaining video and live introductions, the group mingles outside the theater at a reception. 

Tours of the Grounds. Early in the season, we offer tours to orient artists new to Chautauqua to the grounds and our history. Friends are invited to walk and talk along with the company members.

Tech dinners We provide dinners for the company during the hectic tech rehearsal period, served on the porch at Bratton, and breakfast and lunch for the crew during the end-of-season strike. 

Opening Night Party FCT will host the season Opening Night Party for cast, crew and Friends, following the opening performance of Birthday Candles onTuesday, July 9th.

Chautauqua Connections pairs company members with Chautauqua families, to provide a home away from home for the summer – with occasional meals together, a porch to relax on and sometimes a boat ride on the lake.

Jewett House Upgrades. FCT is continuing improvements to Jewett House, the summer home of Conservatory members, that we initiated in 2022.  Through a combination of sweat equity plus contributions of furnishing and cash, we are enhancing our artists’ experience by creating a more welcoming summer home.

Programs connecting theater-lovers to each other:

FCT Play Discussions. Open to the whole community, these discussions are held on Sunday afternoons at the Trapasso Pavilion at the Children’s School. Moderated by Mark Altschuler and Stephen Stout, and sometimes including guest moderators, these discussions give theater-lovers an opportunity to engage in dialogue about both mainstage productions and New Play Workshops.

Porch Chats: Informal gatherings of Friends to discuss not only the current CTC season, but also productions they have experienced in their home cities.

Ancillary Programming. FCT has presented theater events such as Twilight: Los Angeles performed by Chautauquan and professional actress Regan Sims (co-produced with African American Heritage House) and The Absolute Brightness of Leonard Pelkey (co-produced with LGBTQ & Friends.) In 2022, we presented a reading of Art by Yasmina Reza, featuring two professional actors who are active members of Friends, joined by outgoing Artistic Director Andrew Borba.